KWSL welcomes all new players to the League.  If you’re interested in forming a new team, here are the guidelines ~

  • Please contact the Division Liaison of the division you think your new team is suited for by January 1st.  The Liaison can help and clarify rules and expectations.  They can also make you aware of further deadlines. You may also contact the president, Abbey at if you have any questions.
  • New teams and division requests must be approved by the Executive so time is of the essence.
  • A new team must have 13 eligible and fully paid players to be considered a team.  It is your responsibility to understand the meaning of eligible players before recruiting.  This is only the minimum – it is highly recommended that new teams secure more players.    A roster to be filled out will be supplied by the Liaison.  Qualifying questions will be included regarding player details.
  • A new team can only recruit *4* current KWSL members.  No other players can be from a KWSL roster from the previous season
  • A new team must be able to make the following financial commitments prior to the beginning of the season. – $300 team bond fee – 1 set of numbered jerseys (a second set should also be available but there is a grace period of one season)
  • The league will purchase a net and corner flags for team use.  The team will be responsible for the net and corner flags for the season and as long as they are a team.  If the team does fold or no longer exist as a team, they must return it (or a replacement) to the league.
  • Once approved, a new team must register and pay in accordance with all other KWSL teams at the deadline approx the middle of February.  (Actual date will be posted each year when determined)   Once a new team is registered and fully paid and have met all the requirements, they will be eligible to participate in the draft with all the other teams.  Any new team will be the last in order to pick new players in whichever division they’re in.


For more information please contact Abbey –