• CLOSED – Feb 1 to Feb 15 – for ROSTERED & RECRUITED players
  • Feb 16 to Mar 16 – for all NEW or DRAFT players 

Apply to be the Commissioner for KWSL

Kamloops Women’s Soccer League is looking to fill the volunteer position of Commissioner. The Commissioner will be responsible for upholding the rules of the game (i.e. creating and chairing Discipline Committees, and handling communications with members as well as BC Soccer) in regards to discipline within the League as is required. For a more detailed description of the position, please see below.  An in depth knowledge of both BC Soccer rules and KWSL rules would be beneficial, but is not required in order to apply for this position. Please send your resumes to the KWSL President, Abbey, via email at kwslpresident@gmail.com


The commissioner shall have the responsibility to uphold the laws of the game, the Bylaws set and the Rules and Regulations set out by the KWSL, and the guidelines on discipline set out by BC Soccer. All the correspondence and the communication regarding above responsibilities will be the duty of the Commissioner. When applicable and appropriate, the Commissioner will make a proposal to ratify a Discipline Committee to the Board of Directors and will resume the position as Chair of the Discipline Committee. Unlike typical appointment to the Board of Directors, specific for the Commissioner position will be determined by the Board members from applications received. The Commissioner will have no input or voting rights on the Board with the exception of matters pertaining to Discipline.